January 24, 2023


These Terms and Conditions specify the general terms of use for services provided through the Safe Platform, including the Application and the website. Definitions used in the Terms and Conditions:

  • Application – Safe mobile application available on the AppStore.
  • Platform – a platform enabling the provision of services by Safe through the website and the Application. Detailed information about the Platform and its functions is also available at:
  • Privacy Policy – regulations specifying the rules and conditions for processing the User’s personal data by Safe, available here.
  • Safe – Operator of the Platform, owned by Mateusz Tomaszewski.
  • Terms and Conditions – these terms and conditions. This document also constitutes the terms and conditions for the provision of electronic services as referred to in Article 8(1)(1) of the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services of July 18, 2002.
  • Website – the Platform’s website available at this address.
  • Services – services provided or made available by Safe using the Platform. These services are specified in Chapter II of the Terms and Conditions.
  • User – an individual, legal entity, or person without legal personality who is granted legal capacity by law, using the Platform and/or services provided through it.
  • Technical Requirements – minimum technical requirements enabling the use of the Platform:
    • A device with access to the Internet with an up-to-date operating system (for the Application, Android – minimum version: API 19 (Android 4.4 KitKat), iOS – minimum version: iOS 11.0);
    • An installed and properly configured and up-to-date web browser when using the Platform through it;

Using the Platform requires accepting all provisions of the Terms and Conditions. By starting to use any functionality of the Platform, the User agrees to all its terms and undertakes to comply with them. Using the Platform requires that the device and its teleinformatics system used for this purpose meet the Technical Requirements. Safe informs that using the Platform through a web browser, including contacting Safe by email, may result in charges for Internet connection in accordance with the service provider’s package used by the User. To start actively using the Platform (understood as full use of the Services), the User is required to download the Application through the Google or Apple service using their pre-existing account with either of these services and make payment for access to the Application. The User’s execution of the actions mentioned above is conditional upon the User’s prior acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Safe may discontinue providing functionality within the Application to the User for the following reasons:

  • Changes in laws governing the provision of electronic services by Safe, affecting the mutual rights and obligations specified in the agreement between the User and Safe, or changes in the interpretation of the above legal provisions due to court rulings, decisions, recommendations, or advice from relevant authorities or bodies;
  • Change in the method of providing Services caused solely by technical or technological considerations;
  • Change in the scope or provision of services covered by the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, by introducing new, modifying, or withdrawing existing functionalities or Services covered by the Terms and Conditions. Only a User who has made a payment for access to the Application can use the Application.


Through the Sage Platform, Safe provides services that enable Users to practice mindfulness exercises by playing a safe puzzle solving game. Payment for Sage is made through the AppStore, following the instructions provided in the respective store. User access is subject to charges as specified in the price list available on the AppStore. Safe reserves the right to modify the price for access to the Application. Any changes in prices will apply only to new purchases of access to the Application and will not affect previously purchased access.


The owner of the Platform is the Administrator of Users’ personal data. User personal data obtained by the Platform’s owner through the Platform will be processed for purposes and in accordance with the rules specified in the Privacy Policy.


Safe will make every effort to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the Platform to the best of its ability. However, Safe reserves the right to interrupt the operation of the Platform, in particular due to technical work related to the Platform or possible malfunctions. Sage informs that the failure of the equipment or network used by the User to meet the requirements specified in the Terms and Conditions, as well as other technical problems or limitations of such equipment or network, may limit or prevent the User’s access to the Platform or negatively affect the quality and continuity of using the Platform. Safe is not responsible for any malfunction of the Platform or the provision of services that do not comply with the Terms and Conditions, resulting from reasons beyond Safe’s control (e.g., force majeure or the actions of third parties), and from the User’s use of the Platform or services in a manner inconsistent with the Terms and Conditions. Safe is not liable for damages (actual damage and loss of profits) incurred by Users as a result of using the Platform. Safe is not liable for the professional exam results achieved by the User based on the User’s preparation with the materials provided in the Application. The User is aware that the professional exam result depends solely on the User’s study and knowledge, and the User must independently assess their preparation for the exam. The Application is solely intended to support the User in preparing for the exam and planning their studies. Achieving a negative result on the professional exam does not entitle the User to a refund of the payment for access to the Application.


The User has the right to file a complaint regarding the operation of the Platform and the services provided by Safe. Complaints should be submitted electronically to the following email address: yeyego.inspe@gmail.com The complaint should include at least the following information:

  • User’s email address,
  • A description of the subject of the complaint or other information that the User deems relevant. Safe will consider a properly submitted complaint within 14 (fourteen) days of receiving it. If the information and data provided in the complaint require supplementation, Safe will promptly request the User to provide such data and information, and the deadline for considering the complaint by Safe will run from the date of the User’s proper completion of such data and information. Safe will respond to the complaint and will contact the User regarding the complaint at the email address provided by the User. The response to the complaint constitutes the final decision in the internal complaint procedure.


Disputes between Safe and the User will be settled amicably, and in the event that an agreement is not reached within 30 (thirty) days from the date of one party informing the other of the reasons for the dispute, it may be referred to a court of law. The User may also use the ODR platform, which is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. The platform is used to resolve disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs seeking to settle out of court a dispute concerning contractual obligations arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. Users who are consumers have the opportunity to use the out-of-court method of examining complaints and pursuing claims before the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court at the Provincial Inspectorate of Commercial Inspection in Warsaw. Information on how to access this procedure and dispute resolution procedures is available at the following address: https://polubowne.uokik.gov.pl/.


Safe is authorized to change the Terms and Conditions for the following reasons, in particular:

  • Adapting the Services provided to legal regulations/decisions of the relevant public administration authorities/court rulings requiring modification of the Terms and Conditions to ensure compliance with the law,
  • Improving the functionality of the Platform, including introducing new Services or modifying existing functionalities of the Platform or Services,
  • Enhancing the security of the Platform
  • Updating the contact and registration data included in the Terms and Conditions,
  • Removing any ambiguities or errors in the Terms and Conditions. Users will be informed of changes to the Terms and Conditions by posting information on the Website and in the Application at least 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the new version of the Terms and Conditions takes effect. If the User does not agree to the new version of the Terms and Conditions, the User is obliged to refrain from using the Platform after the date of the change. In matters related to the operation of the Platform, Users can contact Safe by sending an email to the following email address: yeyego.inspe@gmail.com A User who is a consumer or a natural person entering into a contract with Safe directly related to their economic activity, where the content of this contract does not indicate a professional character, may withdraw from it within 14 days of concluding the contract without giving a reason. Withdrawal from the contract shall be made by sending an email to Safe.
    Withdrawal under the procedure described in the preceding paragraph is not possible if, before the expiry of this period:
  • Safe has fully performed a paid service; or
  • In the case of paid services consisting of delivering digital content not stored on a physical medium, for which the consumer is required to pay a fee, Safe will begin providing such services; In cases described in paragraph 6 above, the User is aware that they lose the right to withdraw from the contract within the period specified in paragraph 5. In case of any discrepancy between any part of the Terms and Conditions and applicable law, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.